Production of Disney
L’argent, l’oseille, le flouze , le fric, le blé, le pèze, la thune … tout le monde court après l’argent et pourtant l’argent ne fait pas le bonheur, dit-on.
Sur le sujet très investi de l’argent, les élèves de l’option théâtre français du LMRL ont convoqué des écrivains français de tous les temps sur les planches du TOL, Molière, Balzac, Feydeau …ainsi que de grands humoristes comme M. Robin, Coluche, Devos et bien d’autres. C’est avec brio et sur un rythme endiablé qu’ils ils ont interprété les scènes et sketchs les plus connus de ces auteurs et ils ont surtout fait rire le public!
Encore un grand bravo pour leur performance!
Written by Lindsay Price
The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note – A review
Two weeks ago the LMRL English Drama Option group directed by Tony Kingston and co-ordinated by Ms Elisabeth Heiter, performed “The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note”, a modern play written by Lindsay Price in 1999 on the TOL stage in Luxembourg – Bonnevoi.
The show starts out with a teenager called Jake, who finds a suicide note on blue paper in his mailbox and doesn’t know who it is from, or to whom it is addressed. He shows the note to his friends who speculate, joke and quickly lose interest while Jake becomes obsessed about the circumstances connected to the blue piece of paper. Jake goes on a crusade to find the writer of the note. But before he can find out about the person who wrote the suicide letter, he stumbles upon a secret he never wanted to know. The story follows both Jake’s struggle to identify the mysterious writer as well as the teenager’s public and private way of dealing with the issue of suicide.
All in all, Jake and his friends represent average high school students with the usual problems such as stress, insecurity, relationship issues, isolation and obsessions that today’s students have to face.
Each actor, from the smallest to the leading part, had his or her brilliant moments of stage time. Six or seven students are in their final year at the LMRL and therefore were really sad knowing this was their last opportunity to act with the English Drama Option group. One of the actors has in fact already left our school and is studying at university. She nervetheless made time to join rehearsals and be part of this year’s play. The long rounds of applause produced many happy faces on stage and were certainly well deserved.
We found the play straightforward, partly sad but also humorous. The actors managed to create the right atmosphere for such a serious topic, from the eerie ghost scenes to the moving bathroom scene. Apart from the humour, the play certainly left the audience with food for thought.
By the way, as most of this year’s students will be going to university in autumn, the drama class heartily welcomes new members willing to join the theatre group.
Gioa De Michele
Oliver Droste