The 24th September, six MEGA club students and two teachers departed on a journey to Poland. Our delegation from Lycée Michel-Rodange felt honored to not only bring two chairs to this year’s conference (Victor Fola and Tara Mac Neill), but also win three nominations for best delegate (Flavio Jager, Emma Conzemius and Seohyeon Choi).
The first destination was Gdańsk, a historical city mainly known for its pivotal role in the Polish people’s fight for freedom from communism in the 1980s, but also for its gothic charm, extensive industrial port and amber jewelry.

We had the chance to sail on a pirate ship and hear about the port and Gdańsk’s history from a knowledgeable guide, all while listening to Polish ballads. Moreover, we visited the European Solidarity Centre, which documented Poland’s democratization process under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa, the co-founder of the Solidarity trade-union. During our visited we learned that democracy is not a given and relies on the continued support of its citizens.
Our next destination was Toruń, the home of Nicolaus Copernicus, a city with an equally pleasant gothic vibe, but, most importantly, the location of the ToMUN2024 Model United Nations conference!
Let us read the students’ testimonies:
What an amazing and unforgettable stay in Poland! I, Flavio, was representing the People’s Republic of China in the WHO committee. I was one of the only experienced delegates and I was, on the first day, the only one daring to take the floor and hold speeches. Everyone was so shy that even the co-chair had to jump into the role of a delegate in order to motivate them a bit. After that, the debate was flowing much better.
Because I participated so much during the debate and was the main submitter of our two resolutions, I earned the best delegate award, for which I am grateful. I have learnt so much about what’s going on everywhere around the world and what can or can’t be done about those issues. You really learn a lot in MUNs, and it’s such a fun way to learn! MUNs not only enhance your knowledge of international politics, but they also improve essential skills like public speaking, negotiation, and teamwork, making it an incredibly enriching experience. Apart from the conference itself having been so instructive, I have met a couple of people I already knew from past conferences and a lot of new people I’ll never forget. Furthermore, I want to give a big shout-out to my host family being literally the best; they were so caring, kind and interested in how my life was in Luxembourg. They also have made me get to know and love the polish culture, history and food.
I also had much fun at the party and got even closer with the other people of our Luxembourgish delegation. I will always be so grateful to have had the opportunity to live such an amazing experience and I’m convinced that I’ll remember this conference forever.

I, Ilenia, had the honour to represent the Netherlands in the United Nations Office Drugs and Crime committee. I find it really hard to describe this amazing experience with words because the emotions I felt during this amazing adventure can’t be fairly expressed by a few words. Only my friends with whom I shared this experience will understand the sadness I, we all, felt when we had to return to Luxembourg.

Before ToMUN even started we had the opportunity to visit the amazing city of Gdańsk and to get to know the history of Poland through an amazing museum. Once we got to Toruń I met my amazing host family to whom I am so grateful for everything. I was lucky to have the best little host sister ever and to be, for the first time in my life, a big sister. During the conference, in my amazing committee, I got the chance to debate on 2 very interesting topics through which I learned a lot of new things. I must say that I couldn’t have wished for better delegates than those in my committee who were all super kind and with whom I had a lot of fun. I was the co-submitter of one of the two resolutions. Through this MUN I also got the chance to see a lot of the friends I made through other MUNs again. But I’ve also made new friendships, I will never forget about.
Overall, I believe that MUNs should be on the to-do list of everyone. It surprises me every single time how much you can learn during a MUN. ToMUN has totally surprised me too, with its people, impeccable organisation, culture, food and history. I once again have grown as a delegate but most importantly as a person and I’m very thankful for that.
During ToMUN, I represented Sweden in the UNICEF committee, where, on the first day, we discussed the issue of raising children in our internet-oriented world. We worked hard to find compromises so that we could swiftly adopt our working paper as a draft resolution. I proposed several amendments, which were successfully voted in favor.
On the second day, we debated the topic, « Spreading Access to Computer
Resources: Providing Education Regarding Practical IT Knowledge for the Next Generations. » Despite time constraints, we were still able to pass a smaller resolution. After two days of hard work, we concluded our committee session.
On Saturday, the third day of ToMUN, all delegates from UNICEF, DISEC, ECOSOC, and SpCT participated in the General Assembly to discuss the issue of addressing rapid changes in the modern, technology-driven labour market. The GA ended with a resolution submitted by the USA and China, after which we proceeded to the closing ceremony. I was overjoyed to win the award for The Best Delegate of the UNICEF committee, fulfilling a small dream and leaving me with the most beautiful memories of ToMUN. This truly amazing conference not only enhanced my debating skills but also gave me the opportunity to form new friendships and experiences. It has been a time I will never forget.

Participating in MUNs was one of the best decisions I have made in my life, and this is by no means an overstatement. Looking back at the past few days, my heart is filled with joy. During this year’s ToMUN, I, Victor, assumed the honorable role of chair in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, which provided me with an entirely new committee experience. Sitting in front of the delegates made me feel like a leader (and a teacher) and deeply motivated me to leverage my experience in order to bring out the best in every one of them, no matter if they were experienced or not. Even though I did not participate in the debate per se, (although I felt the urge to), I felt like not only a part of it, but also responsible for the delegates’ performance, which strongly made me want to encourage them to give it their all.
Together with the delegates and my kind and open-minded deputy chair, we got through two complex topics (combating the funding of terrorists via technology and preventing fraud and extortion executed through technology) and passed resolutions to which most of the delegates contributed.
Moreover, I had the chance to meet up with many of my dear friends I made during my MUN journey, spend time with them in the beautiful, picturesque city of Toruń, and once again nurture our friendships that I hope will last a lifetime. On top of that, being the senior MUN enthusiast in our debate club, it brings tears of joy to my eyes to see the amazing evolution of the younger students, who once were as terrified as I was of public speaking. Ranging from conversational skills and critical thinking to social connections and knowledge of oneself, the value gained from MUNs is truly immeasurable. From the bottom of my heart, I thank the people who made this wonderful experience possible.

First time chairing! I, Tara, had the honour of co-chairing the UNW committee. With it being my first time chairing, I was quite nervous about it and scared of mixing up the rules of procedure and confusing my delegates. But through my amazing co-chair and my friendly committee, this rarely happened, and even in the cases when it did happen, it was dealt with in an incredibly good way. It was such a wonderful experience to see how the committee worked from a more organized point of view and not only as a delegate. The delegates had some wonderful debates, some more serious some less, and sometimes introduced questionable clauses in the resolution, which sometimes ended up with the whole committee laughing tears. It also made me appreciate how tiring the job as a chair can be, but regardless, I would love to do it again.
Having previously been in last year’s conference of ToMun 2023, I was already aware of how beautiful the city is and thought I knew what to expect. Yet the beauty of the city amazed me again, and I was reminded how friendly and open the people there are. I had a wonderful time with my host and her clingy dog that followed us nearly everywhere. I met so many nice people, with whom I’m hoping to stay in contact and was able to rekindle with a few friends that I met in last year’s conference. I made so many new experiences and learned so much more about the polish culture.

Hello, I am Seohyeon Choi from the 4CD2 class at Lycée Michel-Rodange School.
I’m thankful and happy that I could participate in ToMUN 2024. I still remember staying up late to send my motivation video for this event as I wanted this opportunity so badly, and I gave it my all. Now, I’m very satisfied that my hard work paid off.
Before everything, I want to thank Matilda and her family, who hosted me during ToMUN. Even though they had their schedule, they always took the best care of me, which helped me adapt more quickly to Torun. Especially to Matilda, who explained to me a lot of interesting things about the city!
When I look back, two moments stand out to me. First, there was a time when I was speaking. Although not all my answers were perfectly logical, there was one moment that surprised me. A sudden question came, and instead of panicking, I managed to gather my thoughts quickly and give a logical response. At that moment, I could really feel myself growing and improving.
The second memorable moment was receiving the Best Delegate award. Even though I had a feeling I might win, I was still incredibly nervous when the announcement came. My heart was racing, but when I finally heard my name and received the award, the cheers and applause made me feel so excited and happy.
But of course, there are countless little moments that I cannot forget. There are so many memories that come to mind, but if I had to pick just three, I remember the Torun city tour, exploring every corner of Torun. I also remember the ToMUN party, sitting on a bench outside and having a conversation with the other delegates in my committee and getting to know each other. Lastly, I remember the moment spent in the Bread House Cafe. When the day broke, we came in, but as we chatted in the cozy atmosphere, time passed so quickly that when we looked outside, we were surprised to see it had gotten dark.
My confidence got so much higher than before, and I met a lot of nice friends from other countries, and we had many conversations. I also got the chance to know the author’s MEGAclub members better.
This was truly an unforgettable experience that I will treasure forever. Through ToMUN 2024, I gained so much, and I hope to continue growing through more opportunities like this.
Thank you!